Buying Used Cars and MA Inspection Stickers

When one of our clients informs us that he is buying a used car we advise him that he has seven (7) days from the date of registration to have the vehicle inspected.  Sometimes our client will tell us that the car has an inspection sticker that is good for several more months so he is all set.  Unfortunately, that is not the case in MA.

In Massachusetts a new inspection sticker is required every time a vehicle is purchased.  The MA inspection sticker is linked directly to the registration.  Take a look at the inspection sticker on your car.  On the right hand side of the sticker you will see your registration number listed.    If you are stopped by the police and your inspection sticker does not match your plates you can be ticketed for operating an uninspected vehicle.

The exception to this rule is if you changed the plates on the car.  For instance, you decided to swap your regular plates for veteran plates after you had the vehicle inspected.  Because you did not buy a new vehicle but just changed the plates on your original car you do not need to get a new sticker.   Your next inspection sticker will show the updated plate number.

If you have any questions you would like me to address in this blog please let me know by emailing your question to [email protected].  Likewise, if you would like to receive a quote on your auto insurance you can email me at the same address or call us at 800-559-5553.