Internet Purchase of Automobile

We are having more clients purchase cars off of the internet and although it will be even more common in the future there are certain things that a would be purchaser should be aware of before pulling the trigger. Today I will talk about what is the most important when it comes to registering a car in MA, verifying that there is a title for you to take possession of at the time of the sale. Here are two recent examples that we have dealt with.

Flood in the Man Cave

Last Saturday torrential rains caused flash flooding along parts of the North Shore, including Lynn. Many cars, homes and businesses were impacted.

Cancelled Plates

Many times throughout the year we have clients call to tell us that they are trading in a car for a new one. However, when we look up their plate in the Registry it is still active on the old car.

Winter Weather Car Accidents

A few years ago my mother called me to let me know she was just involved in a car accident and to ask what she should do. I explained the claims settlement process and told her that she would be surcharged for the accident.

Hit While Parked Ho! Ho! Ho!

Tis the Holiday season and everyone is scurrying around buying gifts for their loved ones. What happens when everyone descends on the shopping malls at the same time?

How to Save Money on Flood Insurance

Recently a number of our clients have received letters from their mortgagees informing them that their homes have been reclassified as being in high risk flood zones. That’s the bad news.

How to Save on Flood Insurance (Part II)

As a result of the turmoil caused by FEMA redrawing the coastal flood maps the Massachusetts Legislature passed and the Governor signed a new law designed to give MA residents some premium relief.

Bad Pass Liability

I was tail-gating at Thursday Night’s Patriots-Jets game when the obligatory over-thrown football hit an unsuspecting patron in the back.

Sergio Garcia Shows Value in Scheduling Jewelry

On Sunday professional golfer, Sergio Garcia, hit an errant shot that hit a woman spectator in the hand and broke her diamond ring. The force separated the stone from the ring and the diamond fell into the thick rough.

Do I Need to Buy Insurance When I am Renting a Truck?

Before I get behind the wheel I need to make sure that I am insured in case I cause an accident and injure someone. I know the MA Auto Policy will cover me when I rent a private passenger vehicle but what about a truck or van?

Deer, Moose, and Car Accidents. Oh My!

My wife and I were driving up to Bridgton Maine last Friday night around dusk. We were on a winding stretch of road running from Hiram to Denmark where we often see deer on or near the road.

Insuring ATVs and Dirt Bikes

Many people buy an ATV or dirt bike and immediately begin to use it without giving a thought about insurance. This is especially true when the ATV or dirt bike is for their child and is used.

Kids Returning from College and the MA Personal Auto Policy

The MA auto policy has very strong language regarding the listing of household members and the information provided on those members. Specifically, the policy states that the insurance company “may refuse to pay claims under any or all of the Optional Insurance Parts”.

Replacement Cost versus Market Value

One issue that consistently confuses homeowners, especially first-time buyers, is the difference between the market value of the home compared to its replacement cost.

Dogs & Homeowner Policies in MA

According to the Insurance Information Institute 46.3 million American households own a dog as of 2012. If your household is one of the 46.3 million you may already know how owning a dog can affect your homeowners insurance.